Monday 9 July 2012

Meeting our Buyers

Its always nice to meet buyers who come to collect. Frequently they ask if this is our full-time business and we confirm it is. They then say, "I would love to do what you do instead of working 9-5pm.

This always makes us smile because, in fact, we work 24-7 and are available 7 days a week. While we love what we do and wouldnt go back to our former careers - even if we could -it takes total commitment to do what we do to ensure we maintain our 100% positive feedback score.

There is never a dull moment and very little time to relax. Painting and restoration of furniture is, in itself, therapeutic, but there's also the tedious times and today produced one of those annually recurring ones - the tax return. Relevant documents to be produced, annual accounts checked and re-checked. The accountant's bill to be settled. Not fun, but necessary so we can run a legitimate business and make our small contribution to society.

However, there was still time for me to start painting a marble top French Victorian  cupboard in Farrow & Ball's Lime White. I picked out the carvings and mouldings in  dark wax and the whole piece was finished in clear wax and polished to produce a soft sheen. No photos yet but watch this space.

Met a lovely lady today who called to collect a blanket box. It met her requirements perfectly, she said, as she wanted a coffer with drawers and had even asked her husband to make her one! With their first baby on the way as well as a new puppy, they were both delighted to find their ideal and she drove over from Essex to pick it up the day after purchase. That is what makes our efforts all worth while.

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